Our Methodology
Thanks to a team made up of experienced consultants working in pairs with dedicated research managers, and knowing your sector very precisely, Leaderia is able to quickly detect the talents you are looking for and who correspond to your organization and corporate culture.
We recruit by analogy between expertise and skills of candidate profiles.
We intervene using a direct approach to identify, attract and qualify top executives and managers.
Our perfect mastery of the professions and the agri-food, agricultural and hotel-catering sectors, supported by our base of 100,000 candidates, allows us to find the suitable candidate.
Whether you are candidates, prospects or customers, we regularly organize networking meetings to further refine our understanding of your business, your issues and challenges.
This is how we continually animate our network of experts, thus providing us with reliable information in real time to offer you a secure recruitment and assessment process.

Identification of analogies
Synectics is a method to solve problems with creativity while associoating heterogenous elements in order to make “insolite more familiar”. The principle consists in transferring a situation in another field of application in order to have a new vision from it, to think out of the box and to generate new ideas.
When applied to recruitment, synectics opens up new possibilities. Identifying analogies helps to think about jobs and sectors unknown by now, while emphasizing knowledge and skills gained during past experiences. This is a peculiarly precious approach as candidates are – for some vacancies- very scare or not keen to move.

Quality Standards
ISO 9001 :
Louis-Simon FAURE strongly believes in People and Processes. These are the core values of success.
In order to understand better our evolution, here is a resume of the implementation of our quality system:
- 2010 : Louis-Simon FAURE decides to obtain a certification ISO 9001 by the AFNOR, in order to continuously improve and to achieve more performance. The team LeaderIA designs and implements the processes, still in place today.
- 2012 : We are granted our certification ISO 9001 by AFNOR.
- 2015 & 2018 : Renew of the norm ISO 9001 during the tri-annual audit.
Our expertise of quality process and continuous improvement gained for over 10 years challenges us every single day in order to identify new criteria and thus offer you a more and more qualitative service.
This involves us to safely develop LeaderIA International Search on a long-term basis.
Our committments
In order to respect our commitments, we carry out:
- A management of the production quality. Our company commits itself with AFNOR to respect several standards in order to benefit from a performing and improving quality system. The team of LeaderIA International Search respects many requirements to guarantee a relevant recruitment, in total adequation with our customers’ expectations and our quality policy.
- Management of the company quality system : Continuously improving, we have to strictly respect all our processes and make them change. We thus put in place audits, so that our processes can be checked by a certified expert from AFNOR.
- DATADOCK : This is a unic database focused on professional training with a quality dimension. This allows to professional training finance providers gathered in GIE DF to check the conformity of training organisms towards 6 criteria defined by the law.

Personality & competencies
For each of our recruitments, assessments and coaching, 4 items are fundamental in order to guarantee a total adequation with the company and its culture:
- Technical knowledge and skills
- Behaviour skills or « soft skills » – personality at work
- Potential and intellectual aptitudes
- Motivations and professionnal project.
Tools for which LeaderIA is certified :

Ethics and values
LeaderIA Enjoys working as a team which works with Ethics and an Entrepreneurial dimension to meet your Expectations and lead you to Excellence.
Enjoy working as a team : a dynamic and involved team which benefits from regular training to gain in skills and competitiveness.
Ethics : a commitment to screen applications only through the skills related to the vacancy and the soft skills linked to the company culture.
Entrepreneurship: a permanent ambition to be an entrepreneur, to explore and discover in order to bring to customers solutions always more innovative and performing.
Exigence : an exigence to meet your expectations thanks to certified processes and a real rigor for all our team.
Excellence : a continuous aspiration to excellence in order to offer you a service with optimum quality.
Ethics :
Here are the organisms from which we are certified :
LeaderIA International Search is signatory of the Charter of Diversity: this document is a text of moral commitment which encourages companies to guarantee promotion and respect of diversity within their people but also in their recruitments. While signing it, our recruiting consultancy fights against all forms of discriminations and puts in place measures for diversity.
Syntec recrutement : this organism gathers several recruiting firms and allows to receive advice – this is a recognized institution in the recruiting world.
CNIL : The Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés is an administrative and independent authority which mainly aims at protecting private life, individual and public freedom.
In the same idea, LeaderIA International Search is signatory of the responsible recruitment charter and applies its principles on a daily basis so that each candidate has the same opportunity to succeed in his/her professional life.
To know more, read more about Louis-Simon Faure’s book about Ethical Recruitment which emphasizes the importance of ethics and of our values in recruitments.