Interim management firm
Interim management is an urgent solution, the duration of which is determined, to resolve a complex strategic situation in a company.
Interim management is an urgent solution, the duration of which is determined, to resolve a complex strategic situation in a company.
At Leaderia, we support agri-food and hotel-catering companies. The interim manager is not an employee of the company (and therefore does not come under personnel costs) and provides key skills and specific management to client companies. His role is to provide immediate solutions to a specific situation and to pass on his skills to sustain his action after his departure.
Our team personally knows all the interim managers in our base in order to be able to identify within 48 hours on average, the profile(s) that are best suited to your needs: growth, crisis management, digital transformation, optimization, replacement of a manager absent, or to compensate for an absence in a recruitment that takes time.
Laurence Frenkiel, Head of the Transition Management division, also ensures the matching between the proposed candidate(s) and the company’s culture to ensure the success of the mission.