Our manager is a certified coach from Vincent Lenhardt school ( and helps you on two different kinds of issues:
- Coaching based on relationship to oneself to gain on self-confidence, reinforcer one’s leadership, clarify one’s project and get better organized
- Coaching based on relationship to others (with managers, colleagues, employees…)
On a very practical basis, by individual managerial support, we mean
- Integration follow-up
- Integration in a new position
- Career orientation
- Internal mobility support
- Emotionnal intelligence development
- Transition from an expert to a manager position
- Conduct of change (merger, acquisition)
- Managerial crisis resolution (reorganization, financial problems…)
Skills Assessment
Thanks to a perfect knowledge of the food chain, hospitality and catering’s specificities combined with a good understanding of companies’realities, our advisors support candidates in the frame of a skills assessment to let them :
– Review their career perspectives
– Prepare the steps to give to their career
– Better identify their skills…
Close to your needs and issues, with benevolence, independence and exigence, we provide you with pragmatic and appropriate advice.
Practical information :
- Trageted public : Every professional especially :
- Private sector employees
- Public sector employees (civil cervants, unlicensed agents, …)
- Jobseekers
- Requirements : none
- Duration : minimum 10 hours and maximum 24 hours depending on the objectives + a synthetis done at the end of the assessement, 6 months after the last session
- Place : face-to-face training, in our place or yours, to be defined
- Conditions and time to access : following our contact, we establish a proposal to build a skills assessment meeting your needs, objectives and time. A first phone exchenge with the ordering customer will take place on the one hand and with the beneficiary on the other hand to introduce the assessment, before lauching it. A referent advisor will ensure the follow-up all the assignment long.
- Objectives : customized skills assessment. The objectives will be established together with you and we will measure at the end of the training how much they are achieved. Examples : structure a job search, think about a professionnal reconversion, identify key skills and motivations to evolve…
- Accessibility : sessions accessible to disabled people, after study with certified organizations.
- Fees: fees will be suggested to you after study of your need.