Our recruitment process


We specialize in the recruitment of executives, senior managers and business experts by mixed and integral direct approach within the food industry.


We offer you a complete follow-up of your application during the process :


  • First telephone interview to know your expectations in terms of career development and then proposal of offers if they are in line with your project.


  • Physical interview or by Teams which can be completed by psychological tests (SOSIE, PfPI) and intellectual aptitude tests (Raven’s Apm III, Watson Glaser III, Dat: Differential Aptitute Test) … This exchange allows us to expose your career path and your motivations and to present you the proposed position with honesty and transparency.


  • Presentation to the client with recommendations for the proper conduct of the interviews and debriefing after each meeting.


  • Follow-up of your integration until the end of your trial period.

Our candidate commitments


  • For each mission entrusted to us, we commit to meet you face to face or via Skype.


  • We guarantee a transparent and honest exchange, giving you precise and complete information for each offered position.


  • We commit to evaluating your application regarding only your skills in direct link with the offered position.


  • We commit to offering you positions matching your personality and motivation


  • We keep confidential all information you give us which might not be directly related to the current recruitment.


  • We ensure a follow-up of your application all along the recruitment process with constructive feedback at each step.


  • We ensure an advisor’s role.


  • We guarantee you a reliable evaluation via the use of scientific tools such as the SOSIE, the PfPI or even intellectual aptitude tests …


  • We follow-up your integration during the first months of your onboarding.


  • We are committed to respecting GPDR’s guidelines in terms of personal data protection

Spontaneous application


Haven’t found a job offer that matches your search?

No worries! You can submit your resume to our candidate database.

Our team will then be able to contact you more easily if a future recruitment opportunity matches your profile.

process de recrutement

7-step recruitment process

1-Defining your needs
  • Missions
  • Corporate culture
  • Personality search
2-Choice of methodology
  • hunter
  • Hunting and job ads
3-Telephone qualification and pre-selection
4-Interview with a consultant
  • Assessment of skills, personality, aptitudes and motivation
5-Drawing up a short-list
  • Psychometric tests: personality, motivation, aptitudes.
  • Taking references.
6-Customer interview
  • Advice on choice.
  • Negotiation support.
7-Integration follow-up
  • During the recruit's first months on the job

Are you an interim manager or interested in becoming one?

We are always on the lookout for experts in the agri-food and hospitality industries
to meet our customers' transitional needs.
Discover our offers